Gail Mebane - Educationalist @Large

Saturday, June 25, 2011

BP8_Final Project

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario

Brief Overview: The following Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario will challenge students to create rich media, memory posters (Glogs) using the Web 2.0 tool Glogster.  The Glogs will be used to illustrate, describe and define English vocabulary words and their appropriate usage in the context of oral and written English language.

  1. Target Audience- Adult English Language Learners; English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). 

  1. Materials– Teacher and students will use the following resources:
·         Computer
·         LCD Projector
·         Broadband Internet Connection
·         Computer Lab with computer for each student
·         Glogster
·         RILS Rubric and Evaluation Forms

  1. Objectives– By the end of this learning scenario the learner will be able to:
·         Interact with a group to design a multimedia poster.
·         Create memory posters for a list of English vocabulary words.
·         Present the newly created Glogster posters before a class audience.
·         Evaluate the effectiveness of the posters using a rubric and Google doc evaluation form.
·         Identify additional uses for Glogster within an ESOL class.

  1. Procedure– The instructor will complete the following steps to implement the RILS:
a)       Prior to the presentation of the RILS assignment to the students, the instructor will sign up for a free Glogster account and add the student participants.
b)       Instructor will introduce students to Glogster and provide a brief tutorial to get the students started Glogging.
c)       Instructor will assign students to groups and assign vocabulary words to each group
d)       Instructor will introduce the assignment rubric and explain the assignment as follows:
a.        Students will work as a group to create a multimedia poster (Glog) for each of the vocabulary words assigned.
b.       Students are to work synergistically and divide the labor evenly and fairly.
c.        The students will use the resources provided by Glogster and any other appropriate multimedia internet resources to define and illustrate each vocabulary word in a creative way that provides examples, synonyms, antonyms, sample sentences or other methods of illuminating the proper usage of the vocabulary words. 
d.       Students will present their completed Glogs to the class orally, using the LCD projector.
e.       Students will use the project rubric as guidance through the project.
 f.       Students will evaluate the activity, the Glogs and the completed project by completing an individual evaluation form at the conclusion of the program.

  1. Web 2.0 Tool– Glogster is a multimedia communication tool used to produce static or interactive posters.  The posters produced through the Glogster tool can be rich with graphics, photographs, embedded audio and video elements and interactive applications.  Check out Glogster here: 

  1. Social Participation/Social Learning– The students will work together in small groups, collaborating to graphically illustrate, describe, define and pronounce vocabulary words .  The group will choose multimedia elements that will be used to enhance the Glogster poster and stimulate the transfer of the vocabulary words into the long-term memory.  The students will further collaborate to determine the effectiveness of their product using a rubric.  With a full size class, this activity could be extended to include posting a series of Glogster memory posters to a blog.  The entire vocabulary list for the course could be divided up and distributed amongst several groups.  Each group would be responsible for creating Glogster memory posters for their words and posting the posters onto the class blog.  Students would be able to reference the posters at any time and continue to use them for individual or group study.

  1. Making Connections– The students will connect on multiple levels by while working together on the project.  Deep learning will occur through the following activities within the overall project.
a)     The students will build upon previous knowledge through the graphics and multimedia elements that they choose to develop in their Glogster poster.  The synergy that takes place during the production of the poster will allow the students to connect on many levels as they share their ideas and experiences with each other.  Each poster produced will be unique and representative of the individual and combined experiences of the group members.   Further, through this activity, students will be able to identify word roots and affixes, and recognize word families.  They will be able to make connections by identifying synonyms, antonyms and idioms for each vocabulary word that they Glog.  Using this activity to teach vocabulary will extend vocabulary building to a new level and increase the students’ potential to incorporate new vocabulary exponentially.
b)    Vocabulary is the backbone of language learning.  In ESOL classes, students are always assigned the task of learning long lists of vocabulary words.  Generally, traditional memory methods are not multimedia and include only rote learning methods.   Incorporating the use of multimedia elements and group participation, will foster deep learning and assimilation of the vocabulary words at a faster pace.
c)     Sharing the results of a series of vocabulary Glogs can be a very valuable enterprise for local and global English language learners.  Essential vocabulary can be presented to a global community of English language learners connected through a language learning blog on the internet or through the Glogster platform.  Thereby, discussion and interaction amongst the group members can be promoted in a powerful multimedia way that enhances the vocabulary mastery opportunities within the local and global community.

  1. Create/Produce – The students will create multimedia posters that will be shared with the class. 

  1. Assessment – The Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario will be assessed through the use of a rubric and an evaluation form.  The rubric is designed to determine how well the students have met the requirements of the assignment in producing their Glogs and the evaluation form will record valuable information about the student perception of the process and their ideas for improvement and extension of the plan:
Rubric:  Attached below
Google docs Evaluation Form: Click here to link to the document
  1. Reflection – There is a reflection designed for the instructor and for the students as follows:
a.     The students will reflect on the process of completing the vocabulary building memory Glogs individually by filling out an evaluation form.  Students will be asked to reflect on the process in writing based on the criteria indicated on the rubric.  In addition, they will be asked to provide ideas for additional uses for Glogster in the ESOL classroom.
b.    The instructor will reflect on the process by creating a video presentation that documents the process and indicates ideas for improvement and extension of the plan for using Glogster in ESOL classes. 
Results –  The RILS plan had to be modified for an available group of students who were lower level ESOL students than those for whom the original plan was intended.  Therefore, the six student participants were divided into two groups according to their language level and introduced to the Glogster program.  The three students in the more advanced group proceeded through most of the original RILS plan and created their own Glogs.  However, the three students in the lower level group had limited English reading and writing skills and were given a modified task.  The modified task involved working through a previously created Glog to become familiar with the features of the program and to practice vocabulary skills.  Although, the plan had to be modified considerably for the lower level group, they remained on task throughout the class period and had fun working through the multimedia assignment in the form of a Glog.  The lower level group required ongoing monitoring, explanations, and assistance to complete their assignment.  However, after the higher level group was given instructions, they were able to work through their assignment with only encouragement and intermittent assistance.  Instead of having the students reflect in writing on the process, using the rubric, the reflection and the feedback were given orally in the form of a question and answer session.  The students were asked questions based on the rubric and evaluation form and they gave responses to each question.  Although the process did not go exactly as planned, all of the objectives were met.  The students’ ideas for additional Glogster uses in the ESOL classroom were limited by their level but, they responded nevertheless.   The most interesting idea given was that ESOL students could get their children to help them with their English language skills by having the children create Glogs that they could study from.  Overall, the experience of presenting the RILS was valuable.  By thinking on my feet, I made the necessary adjustments to the original RILS plan on the fly; and the results turned out better than expected under the circumstances. 


The copyright free photographs in the movie above were downloaded from

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your RILS. It gives each detail so that a teacher who has no experience in Glogster an opportunity to learn while teaching their students as well. Very clever.

    The video was informative and had good visuals to keep the viewer interested.
