Gail Mebane - Educationalist @Large

Saturday, June 11, 2011


Yippee!!!  Check out my certificate above!  I did it!  I went through the training and I'm ready to put in some practical training hours.  In the tutorial, a lot more information was packed into the 3 hour and 28 minute time frame than I expected.  Not only do I now have all of the knowledge needed to smooth out the rough edges of my previous video productions but, I will also be able to produce more polished videos in the future.  Some of the things that interested me most in the tutorial were, the use of transitions, beat markers and the Ken Burns effect.  I had seen the panning and subtle movement that was done in other people's videos but, I did not know how to create it or that it was named for the man who made the effect popular through the documentaries that he created.  That was an interesting bit of trivia to discover.  Another intriguing feature provided by the iMovie interface is the collection of movie trailers.  I am looking forward to using the iMovie trailer templates to produce interesting short movies with professional looking effects.  So, right now, I'm ready to get busy creating some blockbuster movies.  Check out my first post tutorial movie below.

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