Gail Mebane - Educationalist @Large

Saturday, June 11, 2011


My experience with iMovie up to now has been of the sink or swim variety.  To start using the program, I simply sat down in my director's chair, threw myself into the task and began thrashing around wildly making movies.  In my haste to get started without formal training, I gained some awareness of some of the features of iMove and an appreciation for the program.  However, I was not aware of the movie making power, and control I could have had if I had mastered the nuances of the program before starting.  

In this initial, awkward manner, I created several movies that were of the hit or miss variety . . . not too bad but certainly not polished and professional looking.  Now, after getting my feet wet with iMovie and producing some initial movies on my own, I have had the opportunity to attend a tutorial for iMovie beginners.  I completed the 3 hour and 28 minute tutorial for iMovie 11 Essentials.  It was an excellent, comprehensive introduction to iMovie that truly covered all of the essentials of the program to help improve the output for a newbie like me.  

The tutorial included an exercise file to practice what was being introduced on the screen by the instructor and topics included:  an overview of the program, how to organize clips, editing, special effects, audio and sharing of finished products.  In the first one third of the course the Welcome message and Introduction gave a great preview of the program and the first topic, provided an excellent basic introductory understanding of the iMovie interface.

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