Gail Mebane - Educationalist @Large

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I went back to Glogster to get some practical experience working with this Web 2.0 tool and I created this Glog.  It has a lot of links to different tools that teachers and students can use to enhance their study of vocabulary.  The practical experience I gained from working on this poster was awesome.  Glogster is a simple, user friendly application that has many interesting and exciting features that are so easy to access.  With such a simple program it is easy to get absorbed in just being creative and trying to produce the best layout, to convey the information in a fun way.  Being able to add links, video and audio to a poster is certainly more interesting than a static poster.  When you check out this poster, notice that I have added links to most of the graphics on the page.  Most of the links go to different places.  The links will take you to the pages that contain the specific tools that I have referenced.  While making this Glog, I also got some practice using some of the graphic editing tools available on Glogster.  That enabled me to add shadows behind some of the graphics to make them stand out more and to change the color of the text.  I hope you enjoy this Glog! I also hope it inspires you to get started on your own Glogs and Glogging with your students.   

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