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After much consideration and thought, I have decided to publish my CBR project as an article in an industry journal. As a college professor, it is deemed highly favorable to publish or present within the scholarly community. At many four year colleges, it is an unspoken rule that every professor must "publish or perish". That refers to the fact that most universities expect their professors to be actively engaged in the scholarly community by contributing academic research that elevates the image of the university. Although, I teach on the community college level and I am an adjunct instructor, this activity is good practice for me as I continue to position myself for advancement in my field. There are many journals that focus on ESL/ESOL (English as a Second Language/English for Speakers of Other Languages) and the state of the art for teaching ESL/ESOL. Generally, though presenting is a separate option, it can also follow a published article. Therefore, publishing can be considered a first step followed by a presentation of the published article as a second step. I am looking forward to seeing my work in print in a regional or national publication and I am currently researching to find the right publication for my CBR project.
Good evaluation of your options... so "publish or perish" is only unspoken in your neck of the woods? Interesting.