Gail Mebane - Educationalist @Large

Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAC Wk 3-4: Leadership Project Post -- GETTING PUBLISHED! -- THINKING OUT LOUD

Image from Morgue File:

The two publications I have chosen to pursue for publication of my CBR project are: Language Learning & Technology ( and Educational Technology and Development (  Both of these publications accept submissions online and publish research in several categories within the field of my CBR project.  After reading about the types of articles and research that is accepted by both of the journals, I feel that these two will be good choices for me to pursue.  
I chose the journal, Language Learning & Technology, specifically because it is a journal that deals with language learning and technology.   It is a refereed journal that is concerned with the sharing of scholarly information with language teachers here and abroad.  They specialize on issues related to technology and second language education.  My CBR deals with motivation and the independent inquiry of language learning technology tools by ESOL students.  Therefore, I believe that the information I have to share is appropriate for this source.

In addition, I am very excited about what I have read on the Association for Educational Communications and Technology website.  This organization is the publisher of the Educational Technology Research and Development journal.  They state on their website that, "they are the only scholarly journal in the field focusing entirely on research and development in educational technology."  I believe that my research will be a good fit for this publication.  Their articles are geared toward K-12 teachers as well as college level educators and corporate trainers.  I feel confident that the information I have to share from my CBR will be valuable to these two publishers.

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